Hearing Loss Treatment

Hearing loss is a decrease in a person’s sensitivity to sounds that can normally be heard. Hearing loss is the cause. The result, however, is an impairment in one’s ability to communicate with others, which can leave one feeling frustrated and socially isolated.

There can be a stigma associated with hearing loss. However, what most people don’t know is that from the age of 25, on average, hearing ability starts to diminish.

Hearing loss is generally caused by one of three factors: general wear and tear over time, long term exposure to loud noise, or a congenital hearing disorder. It can also be caused by a medical condition that may require investigation or treatment. Hearing loss can happen at any age, although it does become more common as we age. Loss of hearing often happens very gradually over time, and one might not even be aware that one’s hearing is becoming more and more challenged.

The Well Being BY CUBEX has the skills and extensive experience to diagnose and treat all hearing loss with personalised hearing healthcare solutions, designed specifically for each person in our care. It is sometimes difficult to concede that you are suffering from hearing loss, but if you are experiencing some or all of the following signs, we advise taking a hearing test. You could start by taking our online hearing test in your own space and time, which will give you a good indication that you need to consult professionals for further testing. Consider the following statements:

  •  It seems people are mumbling or speaking quietly.

  • Those around you complain that your audio volume is too loud and you don’t hear what they are saying to you, or they have to constantly repeat themselves.

  • It feels hard to follow conversations in noisy places like restaurants or bars, so you avoid such places as it is hard to hold a conversation there.

  • It seems hard to hear others speaking from a distance or in another room, and they have to raise their voices to be heard.

  • It is frustrating to use the telephone and difficult to hold a conversation, so you avoid making and taking calls.

  • You don’t hear the doorbell or phone ringing.

  •  It is hard to tell which direction a sound or somebody’s voice is coming from. 

An Explanation of Hearing Loss

Over 7.5 million people in the UK suffer from hearing loss and, on average, people with hearing loss wait almost ten years before doing something about it.

Hearing loss can have a far-reaching effect on one’s health and wellbeing, so if you suspect you are beginning to suffer from hearing loss, take action straight away. The sooner you act, the sooner your quality of life will be improved - immeasurably so. 

Our brains have a finite amount of operating power. Much like a computer, if a lot of our brain power is taken up with one task, it affects other things we are trying to do. This is why people with hearing loss suffer with reduced cognitive functionality, which often causes them to withdraw socially and become depressed. The Well Being BY CUBEX has the skills and experience to diagnose and treat all hearing loss with uniquely individualised care.